CLUE (3) - “And the woman was clothed round about with purple and scarlet,” (Revelation 17:4a, DRCB)
Here in Revelation 17:4a, the “great harlot” is dressed in the ‘ecclesiastical’ attire of purple and scarlet.
The following quotes give credence to the fact that the "Great Harlot" is indeed a "great city" with a an 'apostate religious system' [One-World Apostate Church] whose clergy dress in purple and scarlet . . .

[BEGIN QUOTE] - The woman’s clothing was purple, symbolic of royalty, and scarlet, representing luxury. – (Constable) [END QUOTE] [1]
[BEGIN QUOTE] - In purple and scarlet — Which were the colours of the imperial habit [Roman Empire], — the purple in times of peace, and the scarlet in times of war: and the scarlet is the colour of the popes and cardinals, as it used to be that of the Roman emperors and senators. - - - And who can sufficiently describe the pride, and grandeur, and magnificence of the Church of Rome in her vestments and ornaments of all kinds? One remarkable instance of this we have in Paul II., whose mitre was set with diamonds, sapphires, emeralds, chrysolites, jaspers, and all kinds of precious stones: and another conspicuous instance is in the lady of Loretto; the riches of whose holy image, and house, and treasury are far beyond the reach of description. There silver can hardly find an admission, and gold itself looks but poorly among such an incredible number of precious stones. [END QUOTE]. [5]
[1] BIBLE HUB, Dr. Constable’s Expository Notes, Revelation 17:4, Accessed August 20, 2024, Web:
[2] BIBLE HUB, Clarke’s Commentary., Revelation 17:4, Accessed August 20, 2024, Web:
[3] BIBLE HUB, Barnes Exposition of the Entire Bible, Revelation 17:3, Accessed August 20, 2024, Web:
[4] BIBLE HUB, Barnes Exposition of the Entire Bible, Revelation 17:4, Accessed August 20, 2024, Web:[5] BIBLE HUB, Benson Commentary – Revelation 17:4-5, Accessed September 27, 2024, Web: