It is a matter of certainty, that God is going to use Antichrist and his ten king  confederacy of European nations to destroy (burn) Vatican City, the headquarters of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy, and also the headquarters of the “One World Apostate Religion” which is in the process of being formed through the Pope’s strong emphasis on Ecumenism. 

Now in regard to false doctrines being taught by the Vatican hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church (which is seen in Revelation 17 as being "spiritual adultery and fornication with the kings of the earth") it is extremely important that Roman Catholic people understand the following. Those persons...

- who worship the Eucharist [the bread wafer] as being the actual body of Jesus Christ , and worship the wine in the cup [gold chalice] as being the actual blood of Jesus Christ after mystical incantations are pronounced over the elements  by a priest in the Roman Catholic Sacrificial Mass (Transubstantiation)

- who bow and pray before a plaster statue image of a ‘mother & child’ -- who they suppose to be Mary holding infant Jesus -- (but who in reality, and unknowingly to the Catholic lay person, represents the Babylonian goddess Semiramis holding her infant son Tammuz, and who is called “Queen of Heaven” in Jeremiah 44:17 of the Catholic Bible)

- who pray a repetitious “Holy Mary Prayer" on rosary beads (which in reality, and unknowingly to the Catholic lay person, is actually praying repetitious prayer to the Babylonian goddess Semiramis)

 - who unknowingly practice many more false doctrines (too numerous to name here) that are being taught by the Vatican hierarchy, -- all who believe and practice these false teachings will experience eternal condemnation of their souls, and they will never enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, unless they CHANGE THEIR THINKING about their religious beliefs! -– WHY?

FIRSTbecause NONE of these things I just mentioned above can be found ANYWHERE in your Catholic Bible! - LOOK FOR YOURSELF! - These things above are all contrivances of evil men in the Vatican hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church whose minds are being spiritually influenced by Satan the devil, rather than by the Holy Spirit of God.

SECONDLY, because all persons who are putting their complete trust in the so-called “Roman Catholic Mother Church" for the salvation of their soul (which in reality is the “Mother of Harlot Religions, and the “Mother of the One-World Apostate Church”), rather than putting their complete trust in Jesus Christ's 'Perfect Blood Sacrifice' on the Cross as being a full pardon and complete cleansing of all of their sins forever - - -are all being deceived by Satan. - None of these deceived persons will enter into the Kingdom of God (Heaven) unless they become a true “spiritually reborn Christian” before they die! -- Jesus Christ said in John 3:3 (Douay-Rheims Catholic Bible)... 

Amen [truly], amen [truly], I say to thee, unless a man be [spiritually] born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.

THIRDLYbecause the following is what Jesus Christ is going to say to all 'professed Christians' (those who claim to be Christians and who believe that they must do 'good religious works' through a church in order to EARN salvation and forgiveness of sin for their souls) ...

Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.  (22)  Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?  (23)  And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. (Matthew 7:21-23)

Please notice that ALL of these persons in Matthew 7:21-23 were trusting in their 'good religious works' (some through a church) to help them to get into Heaven. And please notice that Jesus Christ sends ALL of them into everlasting torment. We know that ALL of these persons were 'Professed Christians' because they ALL argued with Jesus that they had done 'good religious works' ..."IN THY NAME" (the name of Jesus). Only 'professed Christians' do good works "IN THE NAME OF JESUS" because many cult religions have different names for their god, and don't even believe that Jesus Christ is God.

AGAIN, please notice that these individuals that Jesus Christ is sending to Hell and the eternal Lake of Fire in Mathew 7:21-23, are NOT Buddhists, Muslims, Confusionists, Satanists, Atheists, etc. -- These individuals are all 'PROFESSED CHRISTIANS'!

The sad truth is that if the Rapture of Christ's Bride the Christian Church were to happen tomorrow, most Roman Catholics in the world today would be left behind and would have to go through the Seven Year Tribulation Period if they are still alive when the Seven Year Tribulation begins. - -  However, according to the Bible many Roman Catholic people, Jewish people, and other cult religions will come to realize their error of having followed after a ”false religious system” during the Seven Year Tribulation Period.- - Many of these persons will repent,  turn to Christ for forgiveness, and will put their complete faith in JESUS as being the true Messiah [Savior] for the salvation of their soul. (And not in Mary His mother who never died on a Cross to purchase salvation from Father God for the salvation of mankind's souls!)   


Many Roman Catholics, Jews and unbelievers will be SAVED during the Seven Year Tribulation period, but many of those who are saved will have to be MARTYRED for their faith in Jesus Christ. And, the Book of Revelation in the Catholic Bible tells us that most of those who are martyred during that time period will be BEHEADED as the means of execution (Revelation 20:4).

Yes, it is true that some Roman Catholics will be SAVED FROM HELL, and will enter into Heaven during the Seven Year Tribulation Period, - But, what will happen to the soul of a Roman Catholic who DIES BEFORE the Seven Year Tribulation begins? 

Once again, Jesus  that said in John 3:3 ...

Unless a man be [spiritually] born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God!” 

That verse of Holy Scripture means that unless a Roman Catholic person becomes a true 'spiritually reborn Christian', rather than just a 'professed Christian' (like I was while living my life for 42 years as a faithful Roman Catholic) that the person will never enter into Heaven when they die. -- And Jesus clearly tells us in the Catholic Bible in Matthew 7:21-23 the destiny of all 'professed Christians' is Hell and the eternal Lake of Fire unless they change how they think!

So, HOW can a Roman Catholic person become a true “spiritually born again” Christian?? --Well, Jesus Himself tells us how to enter into the Kingdom of God [Heaven] in Mark 1:14-15 in your Catholic Bible! -- The verses read...

Jesus came in Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God [Heaven], (15)And saying: The time is accomplished [the time prophesied in the Old Testament for the Messiah to be on earth to save souls has arrived] and the kingdom of God [Heaven] is at hand [here]. Repent and believe the gospel!

Jesus said that there are TWO THINGS that a sinner must do to become a “spiritually reborn Christian”, and in order to enter into the Kingdom of God [Heaven] when he, or she dies. – Jesus said that the sinner must “REPENT and BELIEVE THE GOSPEL”! [The word "Gospel" means “Good News’. -- The "Good News" being that ALL of your sins have ALREADY been forgiven by God the Father because of His Son's 'Perfect Blood Sacrifice' on the Cross.  But you must REPENT and BELIEVE that truth in order for it to become supernaturally effective in YOUR life!

Jesus said, if you will REPENT (that is, to have a change of mind, have true sorrow in your heart for your past sins against God, and have a willingness to turn away from your sins and turn to God),


BELIEVE THE GOSPEL ... that is, to trust completely in JESUS CHRIST and His 'Perfect Blood Sacrifice' on the Cross as being complete forgiveness for ALL of your sins [past, present, and future sins], and for the salvation of your soul from Hell (rather than to continue trusting in your good religious works done through a church, or through trusting in a church itself to help save your soul from eternal damnation) . . . The very moment that you truly BELIEVE you will 'supernaturally' receive the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ into your life and become a true “spiritually reborn Christian”. You are then guaranteed that you will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven when you die, and that you will spend eternal life with Jesus Christ and all other true Christians!

I lived for 42 years as a Roman Catholic, and during those 42 years I could never find any full assurance from any priest that I would not go to Hell when I died, nor could I get rid of the guilt for all of the immoral sins that I had committed as an alcoholic during 25 of those 42 years of living as a “professed Christian”

I have lived 38 years of my life now as a “spiritually reborn Christian”, and I now have full assurance that I will enter directly into Heaven when I die. – Apostle Paul tells all of us “spiritually reborn Christians" in the Catholic and Protestant Bibles that 

to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord! (2 Corinthians 5:8). 

In addition, as soon as I became a “spiritually reborn Christian”, the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ entered supernaturally into my soul, and not only did He completely take away my desire for alcohol (I haven’t had a drink of alcohol in over 40 years), but He also took away all of the guilt that had built up on my soul while living as an alcoholic for 25 years as a 'professed Christian'.

I wish EVERY Roman Catholic would come to know the truth about the Catholic Church, and about how to become a true “spiritually reborn Christian” . . .  but it is not my ministry to ‘change a person’, to ‘judge a person for their religious belief, or to make them into a “spiritually reborn Christian” . . . only the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ can do that! 

The ministry that Jesus has given to me as a pastor is to simply inform other Roman Catholics about the truths of salvation, and the truths about the Roman Catholic Church that can be clearly found in the New Testament of their own Catholic Bible. – And that is EXACTLY what I have done in the "Conclusion' of this Revelation 17 Bible Commentary. 

I pray that the Holy Spirit of God will use this Bible Commentary for HIS GLORY, that He will bless every Roman Catholic that reads this Bible Commentary, that He will enlighten their minds, souls, and spirits to the truths of the New Testament in their Catholic Bible, and that He will free them from the deceit that Satan has used on them to become  a captive to His false doctrines and lies. 

~ AMEN ~